艾倫•哈珀(Alan Harper)先生供職于美國MVP有限公司,是樹脂傳遞模塑(RTM)工藝領(lǐng)域的著名專家。本文是關(guān)于他對(duì)RTM工藝的起源,發(fā)展和應(yīng)用,以及對(duì)后來輕型樹脂傳遞模塑工藝(LRTM)的看法。
隨著RTM工藝的進(jìn)一步發(fā)展,出現(xiàn)了更為先進(jìn)的輕型樹脂傳遞模塑工藝—LRTM,該工藝的首次應(yīng)用是于1970年在德國。到1996年,法國Alwo公司主管讓•雅克(Jean Jacques Sick)將LRTM工藝介紹給美國MVP公司閉模工藝專家查爾斯•圖爾(Charles Tur)和法國國家成人職業(yè)協(xié)會(huì)(AFPA)復(fù)合材料講師讓•保羅(Jean Paul Galichet)。
與此同時(shí),肖馬拉復(fù)合材料公司(Chomarat Composites)也將混合氈—Rovicore推向市場,由于很好地迎合了低壓注塑樹脂滲透工藝的需求,一經(jīng)上市就廣受好評(píng)。到1998年,肖馬拉公司開始奔走于世界各地,實(shí)地向客戶展示如何運(yùn)用LRTM新技術(shù)和模具制造Rovicore混合氈。
RTM – past, present and future
Alan Harper
Alan Harper, closed mould specialist at MVP Ltd, is a well-know expert in resin transfer moulding (RTM) technology. Reinforced Plastics asked him for his views on the future of this processing technique.
Reinforced Plastics: When was the RTM process first used?
Alan Harper: To my knowledge RTM has been used for over 50 years. I became involved in RTM when working in Aylesbury, Bucks, UK, in 1973. We bought a 1:1 pump machine from K&C Mouldings and made our first RTM mould. Looking back, our mould technology was horrendous as when the resin was injected through a central mould hole, we only really knew it was full when resin poured from all four corners. Consequently you can imagine that after a few days of production we had huge wasteful stalagmites of harden resin on the floor growing daily towards the mould outlets. We did get better and designed the seals to run all around the mould cavity and installed pipes to direct the exiting resin into open cups balanced on the mould top. However, it was really wasteful, and although closed mould, the open vents still gave off styrene fumes and needed cleaning and renewing for each cycle.
I cannot be sure of the original use of RTM but have read that a UK aircraft company started to apply a form of RTM in the late '50s.
Reinforced Plastics: How did the process develop in terms of automation and control?
Alan Harper: It was not until the late mid '80s that a degree of automation in the actual injection of the resin started to appear. The main advance was to eliminate the need for the operator to climb onto the mould armed with an injection machine head, thrust it into the mould injection sprue port, and forcefully hold it down throughout the injection phase. After removing the nozzle a plug was quickly inserted manually to prevent resin back flowing. We laugh at this now but it really was like that for many years.
An AutoSprue was developed whereby the machine could simply be plugged into the mould injection port allowing hands free injection and flushing. However exiting resin still had to be managed by the old method.
Reinforced Plastics: When did Light RTM (LRTM) first appear?
Alan Harper: Light RTM technology was first developed in Germany in 1970. In 1996, Jean Jacques Sick, director of Alwo, France, introduced the Light RTM process to Charles Tur (currently closed mould specialist, MVP USA) and Jean Paul Galichet (composite teacher at AFPA, the French national association for adult vocational) through Alain Floret of Chomarat.
Charles, who was working as a technical support for Socomer, a raw material supplier in Belgium, continued to develop the process and conducted training to help their customer base to make their own moulds. Jean Paul Galichet, teacher at the AFPA (French government training centre) included the technology in their composite training programmes.
At the same time, Les Fils d'August Chomarat (Chomarat Composites) brought to the market their well known combination mat, Rovicore, which was ideally suited to the process by providing excellent permeability for the low pressure resin injection.
In 1998, after several demonstration days with AFPA Laval and Socomer, Chomarat engaged Charles Tur to use his experience with the process, to travel the globe to demonstrate Rovicore to their clients using the new LRTM techniques and moulds.
The same year, Charles Tur introduced the process to Plastech, the company I then owned, and we immediately saw the real advantages and potential of Light RTM. Plastech developed an RTM Machine and mould accessories, seals, etc. to provide a Light RTM package for their customer base. Plastech also combined Light RTM Technology to their existing worldwide RTM training courses.
Thus the introduction of the Light RTM process, in the '90s, immediately brought about a much cleaner resin injection system. Apart from its advantage of utilising much lower cost lightweight moulds, the process eliminated any need for the operator to be exposed to liquid resin mixes. This led to an enormous upsurge in a truly closed mould application in our industry which continues today as more users become proficient with the prerequisite to build their own accurate closed moulds. We are not speaking here about film infusion, which could be called closed mould, as it has only one engineered moulded surface and usually requires a new 'B' surface film tool for each production cycle.
Light RTM, like the original RTM method, produces two engineered moulded surfaces and far less wastage with considerably cleaner working environment over traditional RTM. Light RTM delivers the resin around the mould periphery and exits into a central catchpot. All this is under a modest vacuum level providing zero exposure to VOCs.